Miners Abroad – Curry Spray

Curry Spray is a Computer Engineering major who studied abroad at the University of Western Cape in South Africa. At Missouri S&T he is involved in a fraternity and with Engineers without Borders.

Curry Spray with friends in South Africa

Curry Spray with friends in South Africa

I’m probably not the right person to be describing the wonderful, life-changing experience that studying in a foreign country, in a totally new environment, will be for someone, but I’m here to give it a try. I am a student at Missouri University of Science and Technology and I studied in South Africa during the Fall of 2013. The three keys to having a successful study abroad are patience, professionalism, and preparedness.

After several months of packing and getting ready to travel south, to the tip of Africa, I finally arrived at my residence for the next five months, Kovacs. I had forgotten plug converters, I had no way to charge my phone and get ahold of someone, the campus was isolated from the nearest town, and everyone was gone for the weekend. It was scary. I was not to be deterred though. My second day there I wandered outside of the confines of campus and caught what appeared to be local transport towards a destination that I hoped was Cape Town. After about 30 minutes the minibus came to a stop and all of the passengers got off. I would later realize that we were just switching minibuses, however, I had no idea what was going on and strayed into the nearby surroundings. As I began to walk a voice rang in the back of my head, the voice of Mr. Leonid Jackson, the director of International Affairs at the University of Western Cape, whom I had the pleasure of meeting before I flew over. A few kind words of advice he had told me came to mind, “Don’t get lost in the ghetto.” I was not in the most savory of environments. Needless to say, I left fairly quickly, and made my way back to the safety of University housing, my pride of being independent and able to fend for myself slightly wounded, but mostly feeling pretty good. The next day I was able to get in touch with a friend living in Cape Town and she took me to the mall where I bought converters and started learning how things worked in and around Cape Town.

I learned a little something about patience during my time in South Africa. In the first few weeks of classes there was a group project in my Information Systems class. Our group met weekly, on Tuesdays, in order to discuss our topic and break down the work assignment. People were very often late to these meetings, including the group leader. When we were asked to reflect on our group project at the end of the quarter, my classmate, Abonga, had this to say (copied straight from his reflection report):

“F. The time management approach did not work well because there is a thing that is called African time and that has affected our mentality. When you finally start to slow down you start enjoying so many more things.”

African time is a real thing, but it’s not a bad mentality. In this instance it affected our work timeframes, but it has so many other effects that are quite positive. Americans and Europeans and some cultures in Asia are so strict and work-oriented that we forget to enjoy the little things and we also strain our health. When working in the hot African desert, you have to take your time while doing things or you will succumb to heat exhaustion through overexertion. If you walk too fast in flip-flops or sandals, you will get rocks in them. If you just slow down you can begin to enjoy so many things: the sun shining down on you, the bustling wind at the top of a mountain, or the sound of the ocean at the  seaside. Patience helps you through the struggle of the day and it can help you get the most out of everything you do.

Taking time to enjoy the view

Taking time to enjoy the view

Professionalism is very important when going anywhere new. Always remember, if you travel abroad in the future, you are an ambassador for your country/organization/self. And make sure to respect and take in all of the new cultures you experience. You might find that you like them quite a lot. Most important though, is to have fun and better yourself from the time you have. I have many more stories to tell and if you’re considering studying abroad in South Africa in the future, I hope you will read them. For now, thanks for reading!




Miners Abroad – David Zdvorak

David Zdvorak is a Civil Engineering major who studied at the American University in Dubai. At S&T he plays on the Varsity Soccer Team and is involved with a fraternity.

David Zdvorak in Dubai

David Zdvorak in Dubai

Here are his reflections on his experience abroad:

My experience at the American University in Dubai is unlike anything I’ve ever had before. I now live in a city that is a polar opposite of Rolla, where the tallest building is the Burj Khlaifa rather than Thomas Jefferson Hall. I live in a region that is often unfamiliar and somewhat feared by Americans, but being here has helped me understand the Middle East much better. The Middle East has a beautiful culture with great history.

That said, Dubai is still a city that is extremely multi-national. There are hardly any other Americans here. The local Emirates are a huge majority, but there are quite large populations of other Arabs, Hindis, Africans, and even British. Seeing the blend of these cultures is absolutely amazing, and I have gained international friends from countries I have never met anyone from in the US. Dubai is a bustling city. There are people interested in business and pleasure. There’s really opportunity to do anything in this city, as it has sprung up from the desert in the last 40 years. It is a very fancy, new, and safe city as well. People are very well taken care of and catered to, both in the city and on campus. And I don’t feel unsafe here in Dubai because it seems like everyone is watched carefully by security guards and cameras, laws are strict, and stakes are high, so the crime is low.

The AUD experience is very pleasant as well. The campus here has a nice feel and contains some beautiful architecture. My walk to class is about one minute, and the weather is always pleasant. It has only rained a handful of times, and during the day it can get hot, but in the evenings it’s quite temperate. The class sizes are very small and eventually the students in the same major really get to know each other and often talk together. That doesn’t mean they won’t include a study abroad student—my class is like a family that has adopted me for a short time. The teachers speak understandable English and are very interested in their subjects and do a good job. The campus student center is fantastic, there’s a mini mart for all basic necessities, the cafeteria is very affordable, and there’s even a hair salon.

Soccer fields at AUD

Soccer fields at AUD

There’s a soccer field that has the Dubai Marina in its backdrop, quite possibly the most impressive soccer field backdrop I’ve ever seen. There are a lot of soccer fans and players on campus from a wide range of skill levels who are always willing to accept anyone into their pickup games. The campus location is also great as well. The campus is so close to the base of the Palm Jumeirah, which is probably the coolest coast in the world. Going out on the palm for a drive or a run is a special experience. The campus is also located right next to a Dubai Metro station, which is so convenient. This gives the whole campus easy and cheap access to places like the Dubai Mall, the Mall of the Emirates, the Dubai Marina, the soccer stadium, old markets, and much more. Overall, I’m so glad I came to Dubai and AUD because the experience is entirely different than anything I’ve ever had.

As a recipient of a Clinton Scholarship, Zdvorak had the opportunity to meet the former President

As a recipient of a Clinton Scholarship, Zdvorak had the opportunity to meet the former President

Missouri London Program

Looking for a semester-long program abroad with classes taught in English??  Consider the Missouri London Program! All classes are taught in English by professors from universities in Missouri.

The Missouri London Program gives you a chance to engage in experiential learning. You get an educational experience above and beyond the physical classroom while living like a Londoner in one of the world’s most exciting cities. Meanwhile, your credits automatically transfer back to Missouri S&T. Some classes being taught in Spring 2014 are Social Media/Web-Based Communication and Sports Literature.

See mlp.mst.edu and programs.capa.org/MLP for details. Email Stephane Menand (stephane.menand@mst.edu) or David Wright (wrightmd@mst.edu) with any questions or for additional information.

Applications and deposits are due October 15, 2013.

Big Ben

Big Ben

St. Paul's Cathedral and the Thames

St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Thames