My outlook on the world has changed in such a short period of time. Leaving the US has brought more culture into my life, which I would not have experienced had I not gone on this trip. The start of the trip was a little of a culture shock, but once I got used to how things happened in France everything became natural to me. Before I went to France I had some bad opinions of French people. The reason I had these opinions is because of the accounts about the French that I have heard from others, which turned out not to be true. The French are very nice, especially if you ask for help with directions. I met some very nice French people while in country and my opinions changed as soon as I met them. I even found out that their opinions changed about Americans as soon as they met me, too. In Caen, I met some college students who had some opinions about Americans that changed as soon as they met me. I had some opinions that changed as well.
I think the most important thing that I learned about this trip is to not judge a people if you have not met anyone from that country before. As soon as I got back I heard people talking badly about the French and I had to correct them because they have not been over there and experienced the things I have. So I guess I am trying to say you should not judge someone until you know them because that judgement may be wrong.