On Monday, the 27th of May, our first class trip was to Les Invalides. It was quite an experience to say the least. I am not very well-read in the areas of French history and did not know what to expect up arriving. The first thing I see when I Walk up is what appeared to be a beautiful gold plated domed church. I was awe struck at the architecture and beauty of this dome at Invalides which I later found out to be Napoleon’s tomb. It was nothing like I had ever seen before. This was the first image that really stuck out in my mind. Continuing our trip, we traveled onward to see the Musee De La’armee which is right next to Napoleon’s tomb. This was a very interesting museum. It contained articles, books, videos, actual WWI and WWI rifles, gear, maps, etc. It was really cool to be able to see this first hand. This was a guided tour, but what was significantly different from what I expected a tour to be was the fact that you had a head seat with audio that explained all the different areas and sites of the Museum. This really helped because you could go at your own pace throughout and if you missed anything or needed to see something again you were able to do so with a push of a button. The museum was very influential to me because I was able to see the history first hand which helped me to better understand the material being set forth rather than just reading out of a text book. It left a lasting impression that I will remember forever. It was also interesting to see other aspects of history that I had not learned before; being that this museum was set from a French perspective. I learned some background to the French Military and how they evolved into in the early 20th century. France was the most stricken country of the Great War, WWI. Millions had fallen and many more wounded and mutilated for life. World War II was just as severe. It is hard to imagine the reality that all the soldiers and civilians had to face during these terrible times. One interesting fact that really stuck with me was when I was learning about the Yellow Star. This is a star that Jews over the age of six had to wear. I was informed that in France, out of the thousand captured, arrested and deported only three percent ever made it back from the camps. This number was shocking. There is more to tell but you will just have to see it yourself to fully understand. Before I left Invalides I had to visit Napoleon’s Tomb. This was the most intriguing, stunning a display I had ever seen. It is more than I can describe in words. You must see it if you ever have the chance.